
Azure DevOps release pipeline test and deploy screenshot

How to create a CI/CD pipeline for Java on Azure Devops?

Continuous integration(CI) and continuous delivery(CD) pipelines have become the norm in software engineering. In the corporate world, a CI/CD pipeline is especially useful to ensure your entire development team is following the best quality guidelines and drastically shorten the deployment cycle to satisfy your customers. Thus why all Cloud providers are now providing their CI/CD

How to create a CI/CD pipeline for Java on Azure Devops? Read More »

ERROR: No Java EE modules detected in EAR archive. Deployment aborted. in ADF

[03:58:41 PM] Deployment cancelled. [03:58:41 PM] —- Deployment incomplete —-. [03:58:41 PM] == ERROR: No Java EE modules detected in EAR archive. Deployment aborted. == (oracle.jdevimpl.deploy.ear.WeblogicAssembler) This error occurs when you first try to deploy your application in Oracle ADF. To fix it do as follow: Go to the Application properties Go to Deployment Select

ERROR: No Java EE modules detected in EAR archive. Deployment aborted. in ADF Read More »

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