
Screenshots of JDeveloper https credential configurationto fix SunCertPathBuilderException

How to configure JDeveloper to trust an SSL certificate and fix PKIX path building failed when connecting to an Https URL?

There are multiple reasons to want your JDeveloper 11g/12c installation to connect to an HTTPS URL. You could, for example, need an application you’re developing to connect to a web service over SSL or configure a Maven install that connect to an HTTPS nexus URL. I you try to do so with the default installation

How to configure JDeveloper to trust an SSL certificate and fix PKIX path building failed when connecting to an Https URL? Read More »

How to show a Tooltip(shortDesc) or watermark(placeHolder) in an ADF column filter header?

“you’ll often have a requirement to customize it by adding a specific user instruction in a tooltip(shortDesc) or placeHolder(watermark) in the ADF table column filter header” From my experience, the Oracle ADF Framework is mainly used by the companies owning Oracle ERP to display custom data table and forms. This is why the most used

How to show a Tooltip(shortDesc) or watermark(placeHolder) in an ADF column filter header? Read More »

How to fix Invalid column index SQLException in Oracle ADF?

The java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index often occurs in ADF when your ADF View Object(VO) get desynchronized while adding a new column to an existing Entity object(EO). After adding the new Table column to your Entity Object and View Object the following error occur at runtime : This error usually occurs when your View Object Query […]

How to fix Invalid column index SQLException in Oracle ADF? Read More »

How to retreive the value of an iterator binding variable programmatically in ADF?

If you’ve read my others Oracle ADF how-to article, you know that I always highly recommend using the JSFUtils and ADFUtils open source class for ADF. Those are a must have for any ADF project and will save you hours of work. JSFUtils and ADFUtils are two utility java class made by 3 ADF heroes

How to retreive the value of an iterator binding variable programmatically in ADF? Read More »

How to execute client javascript in an ADF Java Bean action?

One of the best ways to enhance your ADF applications UI is to add some excellent Javascript library and to call them in your Java Bean‘s action. For instance, I often like to implement the izitoast javascript open source library. It’s a great tool to display users notification in nice looking side popups. You can

How to execute client javascript in an ADF Java Bean action? Read More »

JBO-27200: JNDI failure. Unable to lookup Data Source in Oracle ADF ?

This error often occurs when you are deploying your Oracle ADF application on WebLogic for the first time. (Or when you add a new Application Module) To fix it you need to ensure that your Datasource Name is the same in your Model, Controller, and Weblogic console : View the code on Gist. Note: This

JBO-27200: JNDI failure. Unable to lookup Data Source in Oracle ADF ? Read More »

How to set current column value of selected RichTable row from iterator in Oracle ADF

If you read yesterday article, , you now know have to retrieve a column value from a table selected rows inside an Oracle ADF Java Bean. While this is useful when you need to get the current column value on a button click, you may as well need to update it with a new

How to set current column value of selected RichTable row from iterator in Oracle ADF Read More »

How to duplicate a Row programmatically in Oracle ADF?

Duplicating a table row is often one of the first requirement added on big customer tables in an Oracle ADF application. To do so, add a column at the start of your row with a “duplicate” button containing an action listener as follow: … actionListener=”#{YOUR_SCOPE.YOUR_BEAN.duplicateRowLine}” … In this Action Event, you will need to copy

How to duplicate a Row programmatically in Oracle ADF? Read More »

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